Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014


Cooperative introduced in Indonesia by R. Aria Wiriatmadja in Purwokerto, Central Java in 1896. He established credit unions with the aim of helping people trapped in debt with loan sharks. The cooperative then growing rapidly and eventually imitated by Sampoerna Oetomo and SDI. Netherlands are concerned cooperative center will be a place of resistance, issued Law no. 431 years 19 whose contents are :
a)      Must pay at least 50 guilders to establish cooperative
b)      The system should resemble the systems business in Europe
c)      Must be approved by the Governor-General
d)     Proposal submission must speak Dutch

This causes the current cooperative falling for not getting permission from the Netherlands Cooperative. But after Indonesian leaders protested, the Dutch finally issued Law No. 91 Year 1927, the contents of which are lighter than the Law no. 431 like :
a)      Only 3 guilders to pay stamp duty
b)      Can use the local language
c)      trade law suit each area
d)     Licensing can be a local area

Cooperative Movement in Indonesia
At the present time generally cooperative and institutional business development experience exciting. However, the cooperative still has many obstacles to its development as a business entity. This needs to gain attention in the development of cooperative efforts in the future.
Cooperatives mushroomed back up in 1933 out of a similar law Law no. 431 so lethal cooperative efforts for the second time. In 1942 Japan occupied Indonesia. Japan and establishing cooperative Kumiyai. Initially the cooperative is running smoothly. However, its function changed drastically and become a tool to benefit Japan, and misery to the people. After Indonesian independence, on July 12, 1947, the cooperative movement in Indonesia held the first Cooperative Congress in Tasikmalaya. The day was later designated as the Day of Cooperatives Indonesia.

Cooperative role in the Indonesian economy
Cooperative role in the Indonesian economy can not be seen from : ( 1 ) its position as a major player in economic activity in various sectors , ( 2 ) is the largest provider of employment , ( 3 ) an important player in the development of local economic activity and community development , ( 4 ) creator of new markets and sources of innovation , and ( 5 ) contribution in maintaining the balance of payments through exports . The role of cooperatives , micro, small and medium enterprises in the strategic national economy , so it needs to be the focus of national economic development in the future . Empowerment in a structured and sustainable cooperatives are expected to be able to align the structure of the national economy , accelerate national economic growth , reduce unemployment rate , reduce poverty , mendinamisasi real sector , and improve income distribution community . Empowerment cooperative will also increase achievement in the field of education , health , and other indicators of well-being of the Indonesian people.
At this time the development of cooperatives received less attention because of the cooperative showed less performance and a better image of the past sebelumnya.Keadaan this is one proof that the government's commitment is still lacking in cooperative development . Development is a process that must be sustained and tersistem . The next question is how the prospect of co-operative during the if the prospective datang.Jawabannya is very cooperative that has identity . Cooperative who practice co-operative principles in the organization and its business . Cooperatives as a business entity , organization and business activities should be based on the principles of co-operative principles koperasi.Karena a guiding lines used by cooperatives to implement in practice values ​​such as ( 1 ) voluntary and open membership , ( 2 ) control by members of a democratic manner , ( 4 ) member economic participation , ( 5 ) education , training and information , ( 6 ) the cooperation between cooperative and ( 7 ) concern for the community .
If the cooperative is able to implement his true identity , the cooperative will be independent , able to compete with other economic powers , capable of producing products that suit the needs of the market at home and abroad.
Judging from the basic law contained in the Act of 1945, the Cooperative acquired the rights to life and development in Indonesia . Cooperatives that have been built so far also large enough numbers . This amount is an asset that should be nurtured and empowered to be able to evolve to help the government to fight poverty and provide employment . If now there are many cooperatives that grow not been able to reach the common goals of its members , they should be empowered through education . Education is a conscious effort to improve the ability to understand and implement identity . This is where the role of third parties , including the government to be able to build them achieve their goals both as a mediator , facilitator or coordinator .
Thus, development of cooperatives needs to be passed , because development is a process , takes time and persistence and consistency in the implementation , continuous to overcome all the problems that arise such as poverty and unemployment . that more and more.

National Cooperative Developments in Economy
National cooperative development in the future is expected to show significant improvement, but still weak in quality . It required a strong commitment to build a cooperative that is able to help themselves in accordance with co-operative identity . Only cooperatives developed through the practice of implementing cooperative values ​​that will be able to survive and is able to provide benefits to its members . Prospects cooperative in the future can be seen from the large number of cooperatives , the number of members and the number of managers , amount of capital , business volume and the amount that has been collected SHU cooperative , highly prospective for development . Model of cooperative development in the future has to offer is adopting such a successful cooperative credit unions , savings and loans and other Cooperative and Problem Solving Model Development in accordance with the conditions of the cooperative as a cooperative institutional arrangement inactive and active cooperatives that do not implement the RAT . Cooperatives to empower both existing and inactive need to be built and organized educational system should be implemented consistently to develop organizational , business and compete with other entrepreneurs . This is one of the co-operative values ​​that do not exist in other organizations that need to be implemented and developed , because it is a cooperative development process requires a long time , consistency , commitment and patience are quite high. Cooperatives can not be built in a short time and partial . Under the Basic Law of Cooperatives No. 12 of 1967 ( ratified on December 18, 1967 ).

Conclusion :
According to my analysis: the economic empowerment of the people as a cooperative that has been implementing since by Aria R. Wiriatmadja first in 1896 was a way to meningkankan economy in ancient times, but can be applied in the era of modern times at this point because the cooperative is a container of perlaku economy to help their economies as mild loans, deposits, and other.
The role of cooperatives, micro, small and medium very well in the national economy, so it needs to be the focus of national economic development in the future. Empowerment is both cooperative and continuously be able to align the structure of the national economy, accelerate national economic growth, reduce unemployment rate, reduce poverty and improve income distribution community. Empowerment cooperative will also increase achievement in the field of education, health, and other indicators of well-being of the Indonesian people.

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